Miaauw! heeft een nieuwe layout en mogelijkheden. Registreer jezelf om volledig gebruik te kunnen maken van deze nieuwe mogelijkheiden en doe actief mee.
Please note that, if embedded Flash has been disabled by the forum administrator(s), the Flash file will appear as a straight hyperlink as shown here. The two attributes in the 'flash' tag (where relevant) are width and height respectively.
Insert Image
[img] http://somesite/image.gif [/img]
Type the width and height attributes to resize the image.
Always use to preserve formatting of code and avoid parsing as BBC and/or smileys!
Insert Quote
Note the optional 'author' attribute.
[quote author=author]quote[/quote]
Quote from: author
Insert List
[list] [li]SMF[/li] [li]YaBB SE[/li] [/list]
While you can add as many items as you wish, each item must be contained by the correct opening and closing tags. You can also style your list item bullets with special opening tags and no closing tags, but this option doesn't currently output valid XHTML.